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NA President Artur Baghdasaryan’s Meetings in Washington

Being hosted in USA, the first days NA President Artur Baghdasaryan had meetings with the heads and responsible officials of US Department of State, “Millennium Challenges” corporation, US International Development Agency.

During the meeting with Charles Sethness, Acting President of the “Millennium Challenge” corporation, John Hewko, Vice President of the corporation, Jerry Dutkevich, Director Ties with Countries and other responsible officials, issues pertaining to the development of the “Millennium Challenges” program, were discussed, in the result of which, programs worth a dozen millions of dollars will be carried out in Armenia: in the sphere of irrigation and drinking water systems and road reconstruction. In the opinion of the heads of the “Millennium Challenges” corporation, the program should be implemented in the conditions of utmost publicity and control, as it is under the immediate attention of the USA President and US Congress control. They highlighted the works being done by the National Assembly of Armenia. An agreement was reached to organize later in the National Assembly a conference with the participation of international experts, where the main directions of the program will be submitted to the public and MPs. The heads of the corporation are convinced that the content of the program should serve for the reduction of poverty, as well as the deepening of democratic processes, shadow economy and fighting corruption. In fact, they consider all this as the most important precondition of the program start and further development.

At International Development Agency RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan met the Jim Watson, Director of the Europe and Eurasia Office, David Atwood, Director for Democracy, Governance and Social Reforms in Europe and Eurasia and other USAID/ IDA responsible officials. During the meeting issues concerning the constitutional reforms in Armenia, anti-corruption fighting, relations with neighboring countries, regional cooperation, settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh key problem, further development of democracy. NA President thanked about the effective programs implemented in Armenia by the agency. An agreement reached to present the Parliament’s proposals related to new programs.

Then, at the Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS) an about two-hour meeting with representatives of more than 50 American and international organizations, political experts, diplomats and representatives of media was held. NA President Artur Baghdasaryan in his speech touched upon in detail the constitutional, electoral and democratic reforms taking place in Armenia, regional geo-political problems answered the participants’ numerous questions.

At the White House NA President Artur Baghdasaryan met Michael Kozak, Director General for Democracy, Human Rights and Ties with International Organizations of the UA National Security Council. Issues concerning the democratic reforms being implemented and regional reforms. Mr. Kozak highlighted the constitutional reforms and free, transparent elections, pointed out that those problems are in the center of attention of the USA, and his country will continue the consistent assistance in Armenia in deepening the democratic reforms. The formation of the Armenia-Turkey dialog, strengthening of security in the South Caucasian countries through peaceful settlement of the present conflicts were also highlighted. Mr. Kozak also highlighted the role of the National assembly in the above-mentioned processes.

At the US Department of State NA President Artur Baghdasaryan met Ambassador Tom Adams, Coordinator for Assistance to Europe and Eurasia by the USA. During the meeting issues concerning the inter-political developments and democratic reforms of the region and Armenia were discussed. These meetings, as well as other meetings were held in the conditions of full understanding.

Artur Baghdasaryan also met with Anthony Barsamian, Chairman of the Armenian Assembly of America and Bryan Ardouny, Executive Director. During the meeting the social programs to be implemented in Armenia and Diaspora, as well as in Armenia and Diaspora, possibilities and perspectives of joint cooperation as well as issues concerning the AAA activities in the USA and Armenia were discussed.

Tatul Margaryan, RA Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador in USA attended the meeting. NA President had working meetings with a number of other American state and public figures and experts as well.

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